More Articles about Stem Cells

May 1, 2011

Neural Stem Cell Therapy is Shining Hope on Brain Injury Repair and Reversal

As a parent, you wish the doctors had a magic wand to wave over your child and make her well—or perhaps a “reset button” that could reverse the injury to your her brain.

Unfortunately, reversing brain damage is still just a dream of medical science. But some day it may be possible.

Scientists are experimenting with replacing and “fixing” damaged brain cells. In fact, they have already succeeded in replacing and preserving missing or dying nerve cells in mice. The mice used in these experiments all had brain trauma, like children with cerebral palsy.

In an experiment conducted by a neurologist Evan Snyder at Harvard Medical School, mice were injected with stem cells implants. The results were incredible: the missing cells were spontaneously replaced.

While it is too early to know for certain if Snyder’s results can be replicated in children with cerebral palsy, scientists are hopeful. If they can find a surefire way to manipulate damaged brain cells to heal or replenish themselves, then disorders like cerebral palsy could be treated and / or reversed.


We have come a long way baby!

May 1, 2011

This was in 2004
Stem Cell Research Targets Cerebral Palsy

ScienceDaily (Aug. 18, 2004) — Natural chemicals that assist healing may one day help transplanted adult stem cells integrate into an injured brain, helping children with cerebral palsy recover lost function, according to researchers at the Medical College of Georgia.

"We know that we can get stem cells into the brain and they will turn into brain cells but we really don't know how well they work," says Dr. James E. Carroll, chi...

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Stem Cell Research

April 30, 2011
IFyou are interested in stem cell I thought I would post a few things to help you in your research. - this is a video about the history and uses of stem cell

Video news story: Girl's cord blood helps her recover from cerebral palsy

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